Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Not Yo-Mama!

Catchy title, huh!

Well, I've not been asked to endorse any products, so I can honestly say this is how I truly feel.

If you haven't splurged and gotten one of these........ NEED to!!

My freezer, as you know, is being taken over by bananas. I just hate wasting food, so any super-ripe nanners go in the freezer. Sometimes I peel them and stick them in freezer bags. Sometimes I just toss them in the freezer.....and those are the ones that become banana torpedoes. Anyway, a fellow WWer from Cali told me about this wonderful contraption.....thanx a bazillion Susan S!!!! Target had them on 'sale' for $49.99 AND you get a $10 Target Gift Card to boot. Well, I went there today and got mine and couldn't wait to try it.  The stuff comes out like a ribbon of soft-serve ice cream, but it's just bananas!!!

This was my first attempt and guess what! The stuff is good! I mean, it's bananas! I can't wait to go to the store and get some other fruit and throw some berries down the chute with the nanners.


  1. I got mine yesterday, haven`t had time to try it yet...but is on my list of things to do this week for sure...thanks Jan!!!

  2. Awesome!! Let me know what you think of it.....and the combinations you make. I'm having an absolute blast with mine! One thing I learned......if you make too much and freeze it, it freezes hard as a rock. But if you nuke it for @30 seconds.....good enough to eat!
